2030-Panelet – The Danish 92Group – Globalt Fokus – SDG-arbejdsgruppen

2030-Panelet - The 2030-Panel


This Advisory Board was established in May 2017 motivated by the fact that the All-party Coalition on the Sustainable Development Goals in the Danish Parliament wanted an Advisory Board with members across sectors in Denmark as well as experts. The 2030-Panel advices the All-Party Coalition in the Danish Parliament on how to integrate the SDGs on a political level, and it takes indenpent initiatives such as the establishment of a Danish Baseline for the achievement of the SDGs in Denmark.


The 2030-Panel has a chair, who together with the chair of the All-Party Coalition on the Sustaianable Development Goals in the Parliament and the focal point from Global Focus decide the steps for the 2030-Panel, when the meetings take place, who to invite as speakers etc. Global Focus functions as secretariat for the 2030-Panel, while both Global Focus and the Danish 92-Group have seats in the 2030-Panel.

Additional Information

The 2030-Panel has held annual multi-stakeholder conferences with more than 150 people – each year with a different focus. The 2030-Panel has also given out a SDG-prize to one or several Danes making an impact on several levels.

Membership Information

Number:  21

Environment, Human Rights, Farmers and Agroecology, Youth, Trade Unions, Social, Private sector, Education, University, NGOs, Media, Municipalities and local regions, Cities.

Main benefits for members:
Relations to Danish MPs, network across sectors.

Further Information

Bjarke Vestergaard, Political Advisor, Global Focus:

The Danish 92Group


The Danish 92 Group is a coalition of 23 Danish NGO’s working on issues related to the environment and development. The group was established in 1991 with the mandate of coordinating the Danish NGOs’ preparations for the United Nation’s Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, 1992. The Danish 92 Group is focused on issues of climate and sustainable development at both national and international level. Activities include joint actions on advocacy, lobbying and information activities coordinated in different thematic working groups.


The Danish 92 Group has a chairmanship and a coordinator of the secretariat. Furthermore, views are developed and coordinated through a number of working groups (e.g. climate, SDG, CSR, biodiversity, etc.), consisting of representatives of the member organizations that have expertise on the topic. The Danish 92 group operates with a sign-on procedure, and organizations may opt out on certain views/policies.

Additional Information

The 92 group main objectives are:

  • to influence national, EU and UN policies relevant for global sustainable development;
  • to influence global climate negotiations with a view to ensuring a fair and ambitious climate agreement;
  • to be the contact point between Danish NGOs and the global civil society in the pursuit of global sustainable development;
  • to be part of political processes related to sustainable development, including UN conferences, conventions and commissions; the implementation of the 2030 agenda;
  • to promote CSR and sustainable investment.

Membership Information

Number:  23

Environment, Development, Global justice, Climate justice, Sustainability and renewable energy, Indigenous rights, Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Human rights, Humanitarian aid.

Main benefits for members:
Through almost three decades the Danish 92 Group has built up an extensive knowledge base and access to political influence. Members benefit through access to working groups, which coordinates joint actions on advocacy, lobbying and information activities. As well as extensive knowledge sharing (through email-lists and frequent meetings). Furthermore, for greater coherency and impact, the secretariat coordinates actions across the different thematic working groups. Members also benefit from the secretariats membership to international networks, such as the Climate Action Network (CAN), European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), SDG watch, etc.

Further Information

Troels Dam Christensen, Coordinator


Globalt Fokus - Global Focus


After a merging process, NGO FORUM and Concord Denmark were merged at a founding general meeting held in May 2014. The new association was named Global Focus – People’s Organizations Development Cooperation. Global Focus continues the work of the two previous CSO platforms via its focus on sustianable development in development countries including policies about development, climate change, migration, humanitarian issues, civic space, human rights, trade, the private sector, financing for development and environmental issues. Global Focus works in Denmark, in the EU and in the UN system.


Global Focus’s political leadership is the Steering Committee, which consists of members elected by the General Assembly, and has replaced the former Coordination Committee and the four forums.

The steering committee consists of 15 members elected at the annual general meeting.

Global Focus has several strategic focus areas organised through different working groups, made up of representatives from various member organizations, and thematically working on selected topics. These groups are vital to Global Focus’ work, as they ensure ownership, professionalism, continuity and innovation in the individual areas. Among the different working groups there is one on SDG Policy and another one on SDG capacity building. Members of Global Focus also work together in professional networking groups that extend beyond the strategic areas under the auspices of Global Focus.

Additional Information

Global Focus is secretariat for the All-Party Coalition on the SDGs in the Danish Parliament and for the Advisory Board to the All-Party Coalition, the 2030-Panel. Global Focus’ chair is also member of the 2030-Panel. Global Focus is also the national platform for the European confederation of NGOs, Concord Europe.

Membership Information

Number:  79

Global Justice and Development, Environment, Climate, Climate Justice, Human rights Feminist / Women rights defenders/ Gender discrimination, Civic Space, Social, Disabilities and inclusion, Media, Others.

Main benefits for members:
Cooperation and coordination across the NGO-sector, knowledge sharing, a stronger voice for the Danish NGO-sector in and outside Denmark, network across the political system and across sectors, capacity building on important topics and methods of working, overview of whole agendas and a neutral sounding board for decisions.

Further Information

Peter Christiansen, Director:

SDG-arbejdsgruppen - SDG Working Group


The SDG working group is a group which consist of member organisations from the two networks who work specifically on the SDGs: Global Focus and the 92-group. It was formed in 2016. The working group has the priorily focus on the political implementation of the SDGs on a National, European and global level. Through cooperation the members of the working group produce reports, make inputs to the political system, take part in hearings, meetings and summits in and outside of Denmark and engage themselves across several topics related to the implementation and achievement of the 2030-Agenda.


It is functioning as a shared working group under the two networks, Global Focus and the 92-group. There are no chair of steering group, and decisions on important asks or reports are endorsed in the steering committees of the two networks.

Additional Information

In July 2019, Global Focus and the Danish 92-Group published a SPOTLIGHT-report on the work being done to implement the SDGs in Denmark and through the Danish Foreign Policy abroad. The SPOTLIGHT-report was made in the working group. A summary in English can be found here.

Membership Information

Members of this working group is priorily members of the 92 group or Globalt Fokus.

All civil society sectors are represented.

Main benefits for members:
Coordination and cooperation on advocacy work across Danish NGOs working for the implementation and achievement of the SDGs in and outside Denmark.

Further Information

Bjarke Vestergaard,

Helene Gjerding,

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