Nacionālā starpnozaru koalīcija Ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu ieviešanai – National Multistakeholder Coalition for the Implementation of SDGs


The Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) has coordinated multistakeholder activities on SDGs since 2014. The Voluntary National Review held in 2018, increased the recognition, capacity and need for more regular and formal cooperation. In October 2019, the National Multistakeholder Coalition for the implementation of the SDGs was established. Additionally to representatives from Latvian Civil Society Organsiation,  this coalition gathers representatives from the government, academia and the private sector. Read more on LAPAS work on SDGs and VNR here.


The Coalition is non-formal and currently institutions and individuals can become member of the coalition . Since its establishment, the membership is formed by 25 institutions and 5 individuals.

The work of the National Coalition is organised in two main workstreams:

  • think tank – Domnīca – focusing on policy issues, monitoring and evaluation, advocacy;
  • workshop – Darbnīca – focusing on awareness raising, education and cooperation actions.

The coalition focuses on specific issues such as planning, monitoring and implementation of SDGs and the current action plan is available here.

The Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) is operating as the Secretariat of the coalition.

Additional Information

Please find more information and different related documents on Coalition here.

Membership Information

Number:  25 institutions and 5 individuals.

Global Justice and Development.

Main benefits for members:
Exchange of information, development of new common projects and activities, development of new methodologies, multistakeholder cooperation.

Further Information


Inese Vaivare, Director


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The content of this website is generated by civil society organisations which are either members or partners of SDG Watch Europe. The opinions expressed do not necessarily always reflect the opinions of all members of SDG Watch Europe or the coalition itself. The content of this website is provided for information purposes only. No claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content and the website does not accept any liability to any person or organisation for the information or advice which is provided or incorporated into it by reference. This website has been produced and maintained with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.